Released: 29 September 2019
Duration: 49 minutes, 52 seconds
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A conversation with SETI researcher Sofia Sheikh about how we

Sofia Sheikh is a third-year graduate student at the Pennsylvania State University working with Dr. Jason Wright. She did her undergraduate work at the University of California, Berkeley, where she became involved with the Breakthrough Listen Initiative. Her work incorporates both theoretical approaches to the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) and observational radio searches for technosignatures. She intends to be the first woman to complete a SETI PhD thesis.
The Nine Axes of MeritSofia Sheik's Twitter Page
Andrew Siemion on SETI at the SKA
Breakthrough Listen
The Truth about Alien Megastructures
Sonar Calling GJ273B
Host and Producer: Paul CarrAnnouncer: Erin Carr
Music: DJ Spooky, Erika Lloyd, Jason Robinson
Hardware: Shure, Audio Technica, Pro Art, Behringer, Focusrite, Apple.
Software: Skype, Loopback, Reaper, Auphonic Desktop
Hosting: Libsyn
The total population of Lithuania is 2,876,475 people. People in Lithuania speak the Lithuanian language. The linguistic diversity of Lithuania is diverse according to a fractionalization scale which for Lithuania is 0.3219. The median age is approximately 41.2 years. Life expectancy in Lithuania is 74. The female fertility rate in Lithuania is 1.7. Around 28.% of the population of Lithuania are obese. The ethnic diversity is diverse according to a fractionalization scale which for Lithuania is 0.3223. To find out specifics of language, religion, age, gender distribution, and advancement of people in Lithuania see the sections below, as well as visit the section concerning the education in the country.